1. Real name
>Nurul Nadia Ab Rahim
2. Like it?
> it much!
3. Single or taken?
4. Zodiac sign
5. Female or male?
>mesti la Female
6. Age?
>23 soon
7. Height?
>hurmm..156 cm..
8. Lucky number?
>no 2,sbb no jersi volleyball aku + 2nd birth from my siblings..
9. Eye colour?
>dark brown
10. Hair colour
>dark brown jgk….
11. Long or short?
>long-going to be…hihihi
12. Maritial status?
>im not single but available???..hahaha
13. Are you a health freak?
> no. I’m not..
14. Height?
> how many times going to ask la!!
15. do you have a crush on someone?
>’s really hurt :[
16. do you like yourself?
> yes I like it much!!
17. piercings?
> sometimes
18. tattoos?
> xnk wat la..haram!!
19. righty or lefty?
>dh xnk wat..mane nk ada left or right
20. fav color?
21. least fav color?
> kaler yg terang2 (sakitkn mata)?
22. first kiss?
> lalalalaaa!
23.first piercing?
> hmm.. (:
24.first best friend?
> akmal khairiin zahrudin
25. First award?
>1st place sukaneka mase standard 1 ;)
26. first sport..
>bola beracun
27. first pet
>tompok the cat
28. first vacation
>pulau pinang
29. first car?
>tunggu dn lihat! ;]
30. first crush
31.what time is it ?
>13.41 pm
32. where are you ??
> in front of my pc’s office..
>having a great new life..
34. about to
>sleep :|
35.listening to
>music la~
36. waiting for
> meet him again. Now I miss him already..huhu
37. wearing
> Dark green printed blaus, tudung-green bunga2... =p
38. annoyed about
>..............xde ape2 lg
39. eating
>just now.
40. drinking
> also already
41. want kids?
>of course!! I love kids (terutama yg x nakal)
42. want to get married?
43. careers in mind?
44. dream car?
>oh caldina!
45. lips or eyes?
> both
46. hugs or kisses?
> also both. ^^
47.shorter or taller?
> taller lah
48. tan skinned or light?
49. romantic or spontaneous?
> nak dua2....
50. dark or light hair
> darkk brown;)
1. Real name
>Nurul Nadia Ab Rahim
2. Like it?
> it much!
3. Single or taken?
4. Zodiac sign
5. Female or male?
>mesti la Female
6. Age?
>23 soon
7. Height?
>hurmm..156 cm..
8. Lucky number?
>no 2,sbb no jersi volleyball aku + 2nd birth from my siblings..
9. Eye colour?
>dark brown
10. Hair colour
>dark brown jgk….
11. Long or short?
>long-going to be…hihihi
12. Maritial status?
>im not single but available???..hahaha
13. Are you a health freak?
> no. I’m not..
14. Height?
> how many times going to ask la!!
15. do you have a crush on someone?
>’s really hurt :[
16. do you like yourself?
> yes I like it much!!
17. piercings?
> sometimes
18. tattoos?
> xnk wat la..haram!!
19. righty or lefty?
>dh xnk wat..mane nk ada left or right
20. fav color?
21. least fav color?
> kaler yg terang2 (sakitkn mata)?
22. first kiss?
> lalalalaaa!
23.first piercing?
> hmm.. (:
24.first best friend?
> akmal khairiin zahrudin
25. First award?
>1st place sukaneka mase standard 1 ;)
26. first sport..
>bola beracun
27. first pet
>tompok the cat
28. first vacation
>pulau pinang
29. first car?
>tunggu dn lihat! ;]
30. first crush
31.what time is it ?
>13.41 pm
32. where are you ??
> in front of my pc’s office..
>having a great new life..
34. about to
>sleep :|
35.listening to
>music la~
36. waiting for
> meet him again. Now I miss him already..huhu
37. wearing
> Dark green printed blaus, tudung-green bunga2... =p
38. annoyed about
>..............xde ape2 lg
39. eating
>just now.
40. drinking
> also already
41. want kids?
>of course!! I love kids (terutama yg x nakal)
42. want to get married?
43. careers in mind?
44. dream car?
>oh caldina!
45. lips or eyes?
> both
46. hugs or kisses?
> also both. ^^
47.shorter or taller?
> taller lah
48. tan skinned or light?
49. romantic or spontaneous?
> nak dua2....
50. dark or light hair
> darkk brown;)
2 kali tag aku mu x jwb..waaa...
aku jwb la syg...uishh
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